That is why we can

That is why we can (and must) be perfect in OUR SPHERE, as God is perfect in His sphere.  When we surrender ALL our KNOWN choices we are perfect in our sphere…

Is it possible for God to make ALL our choices KNOWN?  Had he done it before?

Yes,  yes and YES!  Hallelujah YES! 

He can and He has and He will!

Enoch is a past example.

The 144000 and the final generation will be an example of God fully and completely revealing ALL CHOICES and they completely and FULLY surrendering ALL CHOICES to God.  They can go through the time of trouble WITHOUT AN INTERCESSOR and be translated without seeing death because they (like Enoch) always and only through the power of God, have been revealed ALL CHOICES,  know ALL CHOICES,  have surrendered ALL CHOICES,  and correctly OBEY ALL CHOICES! 

It is these that have reached “sinless perfection” like Adam before the fall,  and they have become JUST LIKE JESUS – sinless, eccentric while in SINFUL FLESH (just like Jesus).

They don’t know it.

They would never ever date to think,  never mind say it.

But through the power of Christ, this wonderful and final demonstration has happened during one of the darkest and most sinful times on this planet. Sadly in this writing the author is very wishy- washy and vague about the character of the 144000 and the final generation after the close of probation.  She leaves the door open that this final generation after close of probation