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  5. Openbaring Deel 30 – Sewe Laaste Plae (Deel 3) Vyfde Plaag

Openbaring Deel 30 – Sewe Laaste Plae (Deel 3) Vyfde Plaag


Wanneer val temperatuur? Wat gebeur na die vierdie plaag van die versengende hittegolf? Hoeveel grade dink jy kon die temperatuur geval het?

Openbaring 16:10,11 En die vyfde engel het sy skaal uitgegooi op die troon van die dier, en sy koninkryk is verduister, en hulle het hulle tonge gekou van pyn; en hulle het die God van die hemel gelaster oor hulle pyne en oor hulle swere, en het hulle nie bekeer van hul werke nie

Waar nog lees ons van ‘n plaag van duisternis? Net voor Israel uit Egipte verlos is, het die negende plaag die land in duisternis gehul. Wat leer die tipologie?

Een skrywer het dit die volgende gebeure soos volg beskyf:

“When the protection of human laws shall be withdrawn from those who honor the law of God, there will be, in different lands, a simultaneous movement for their destruction. As the time appointed in the decree draws near, the people will conspire to root out the hated sect. It will be determined to strike in one night a decisive blow, which shall utterly silence the voice of dissent and reproof.

“The people of God—some in prison cells, some hidden in solitary retreats in the forests and the mountains—still plead for divine protection, while in every quarter companies of armed men, urged on by hosts of evil angels, are preparing for the work of death. It is now, in the hour of utmost extremity, that the God of Israel will interpose for the deliverance of his chosen. Saith the Lord: “Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth . . . to come into the mountain of Jehovah, to the Mighty One of Israel. And the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall show the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones.” [Isaiah 30:29, 30.]

“With shouts of triumph, jeering, and imprecation, throngs of evil men are about to rush upon their prey, when lo, a dense blackness, deeper than the darkness of the night, falls upon the earth. Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from the throne of God, spans the heavens, and seems to encircle each praying company.

“The angry multitudes are suddenly arrested. Their mocking cries die away. The objects of their murderous rage are forgotten. With fearful forebodings they gaze upon the symbol of God’s covenant, and long to be shielded from its overpowering brightness.

“By the people of God a voice, clear and melodious, is heard, saying, “Look up,” and, lifting their eyes to the heavens, they behold the bow of promise. The black, angry clouds that covered the firmament are parted, and like Stephen they look up steadfastly into Heaven, and see the glory of God, and the Son of man seated upon his throne. In his divine form they discern the marks of his humiliation; and from his lips they hear the request, presented before his Father and the holy angels, “I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am.” [John 17:24.] Again a voice, musical and triumphant, is heard, saying, “They come! they come! holy, harmless, and undefiled. They have kept the word of my patience; they shall walk among the angels;” and the pale, quivering lips of those who have held fast their faith, utter a shout of victory.

“It is at midnight that God manifests his power for the deliverance of his people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror and amazement upon the scene, while the righteous behold with solemn joy the tokens of their deliverance. Everything in nature seems turned out of its course. The streams cease to flow. Dark, heavy clouds come up, and clash against each other. In the midst of the angry heavens is one clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes the voice of God like the sound of many waters, saying, “It is done.” [Revelation 16:17, 18.]

”That voice shakes the heavens and the earth. There is a mighty earthquake, “such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.” [Revelation 16:17, 18.] The firmament appears to open and shut. The glory from the throne of God seems flashing through. The mountains shake like a reed in the wind, and ragged rocks are scattered on every side. There is a roar as of a coming tempest. The sea is lashed into fury. There is heard the shriek of the hurricane, like the voice of demons upon a mission of destruction. The whole earth heaves and swells like the waves of the sea. Its surface is breaking up. Its very foundations seem to be giving way. Mountain chains are sinking. Inhabited islands disappear.

“The seaports that have become like Sodom for wickedness, are swallowed up by the angry waters. Babylon the Great hath come in remembrance before God, “to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.” [Revelation 16:19, 21.] Great hailstones, every one “about the weight of a talent,” are doing their work of destruction. The proudest cities of the earth are laid low. The lordly palaces, upon which the world’s great men have lavished their wealth in order to glorify themselves, are crumbling to ruin before their eyes. Prison walls are rent asunder, and God’s people, who have been held in bondage for their faith, are set free.

“Graves are opened, and ‘many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth” “awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.’ [Daniel 12:2.] All who have died in the faith of the third angel’s message come forth from the tomb glorified, to hear God’s covenant of peace with those who have kept his law. ‘They also which pierced Him,’ [Revelation 1:7.] those that mocked and derided Christ’s dying agonies, and the most violent opposers of his truth and his people, are raised to behold him in his glory, and to see the honor placed upon the loyal and obedient.

“Thick clouds still cover the sky; yet the sun now and then breaks through, appearing like the avenging eye of Jehovah. Fierce lightnings leap from the heavens, enveloping the earth in a sheet of flame. Above the terrific roar of thunder, voices, mysterious and awful, declare the doom of the wicked. The words spoken are not comprehended by all; but they are distinctly understood by the false teachers. Those who a little before were so reckless, so boastful and defiant, so exultant in their cruelty to God’s commandment-keeping people, are now overwhelmed with consternation, and shuddering in fear. Their wails are heard above the sound of the elements. Demons acknowledge the divinity of Christ, and tremble before his power, while men are supplicating for mercy, and groveling in abject terror.

“Said the prophets of old as they beheld in holy vision the day of God: ‘Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.’ [Isaiah 13:6.] ‘Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down; and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.

“For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.’ ‘In that day a man shall cast the idols of his silver, and the idols of his gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.’

“Through a rift in the clouds, there beams a star whose brilliancy is increased fourfold in contrast with the darkness. It speaks hope and joy to the faithful, but severity and wrath to the transgressors of God’s law. Those who have sacrificed all for Christ are now secure, hidden as in the secret of the Lord’s pavilion. They have been tested, and before the world and the despisers of truth they have evinced their fidelity to Him who died for them.

“A marvelous change has come over those who have held fast their integrity in the very face of death. They have been suddenly delivered from the dark and terrible tyranny of men transformed to demons. Their faces, so lately pale, anxious, and haggard, are now aglow with wonder, faith, and love. Their voices rise in triumphant song: ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.’ [Psalm 46:1-3.]

“While these words of holy trust ascend to God, the clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens are seen, unspeakably glorious in contrast with the black and angry firmament on either side. The glory of the celestial city streams from the gates ajar. Then there appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone folded together. Says the prophet, ‘The heavens shall declare His righteousness; for God is judge himself.’ [Psalm 50:6.] That holy law, God’s righteousness, that amid thunder and flame was proclaimed from Sinai as the guide of life, is now revealed to men as the rule of judgment. The hand opens the tables, and there are seen the precepts of the decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The words are so plain that all can read them. Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and God’s ten words, brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of the earth.

“It is impossible to describe the horror and despair of those who have trampled upon God’s holy requirements. The Lord gave them his law; they might have compared their characters with it, and learned their defects while there was yet opportunity for repentance and reform; but in order to secure the favor of the world, they set aside its precepts and taught others to transgress. They have endeavored to compel God’s people to profane his Sabbath. Now they are condemned by that law which they have despised. With awful distinctness they see that they are without excuse. They chose whom they would serve and worship. ‘Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.’” [Malachi 3:18.]


“With shouts of triumph, jeering, and imprecation, throngs of evil men are about to rush upon their prey, when, lo, a dense blackness, deeper than the darkness of the night, falls upon the earth. Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from the throne of God, spans the heavens, and seems to encircle each praying company. The angry multitudes are suddenly arrested. Their mocking cries die away. The objects of their murderous rage are forgotten. With fearful forebodings they gaze upon the symbol of God’s covenant, and long to be shielded from its overpowering brightness. . . . {LDE 246.2}

“It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror and amazement on the scene, while the
scene, while the righteous behold with solemn joy the tokens of their deliverance.”–GC 635.

God’s Law Appears in the Sky

“There appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone folded together. Says the prophet, ‘The heavens shall declare His righteousness: for God is judge Himself’ (Psalm 50:6). That holy law, God’s righteousness, that amid thunder and flame was proclaimed from Sinai as the guide of life, is now revealed to men as the rule of judgment. The hand opens the tables, and there are seen the precepts of the Decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The words are so plain that all can read them. Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and God’s ten words, brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of the earth.–GC 639

“Church members who have seen the light and been convicted, but who have trusted the salvation of their souls to the minister, will learn in the day of God that no other soul can pay the ransom for their transgression. A terrible cry will be raised, ‘I am lost, eternally lost.’ Men will feel as though they could rend in pieces the ministers who have preached falsehoods and condemned the truth.–4BC 1157

“All unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers. Unfaithful pastors have prophesied smooth things;
they have led their hearers to make void the law of God and to persecute those who would keep it holy. Now, in their despair, these teachers confess before the world their work of deception. The multitudes are filled with fury. ‘We are lost!’ they cry, ‘and you are the cause of our ruin’; and they turn upon the false shepherds. The very ones that once admired them most, will pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them. The very hands that once crowned them with laurels, will be raised for their destruction. The swords which were to slay God’s people, are now employed to destroy their enemies.”–GC 655, 656

“Here we see that the church–the Lord’s sanctuary–was the first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God. The ancient men [Ezekiel 9:6], those to whom God had given great light and who had stood as guardians of the spiritual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust. God’s Word is made of none effect by false shepherds. . . . Their work will soon react upon themselves. Then will be witnessed the scenes described in Revelation 18 when the judgments of God shall fall upon mystical Babylon.”-{LDE 248.2}

“The Roman Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of the papacy that existed in past ages exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The papacy that Protestants are now so ready to honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives, to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty and slew the saints of the Most High.” {GC 571.1}
Dit was die Roomse Katolieke kerk wat die lig van die Sabbat uitgedoof het. En nou maai hulle die gevolge van hierdie ligsverduistering dis pikdonker.

Psalms 91:5,6 bring hierdie woorde van troos vir die kinders van die Here: “Jy hoef nie te vrees vir die skrik van die nag,…vir die pes wat in die donker wandel…nie.” Luister wat sê Exodus 10:23 wat met die kinders van Israel tydens die duisternis plaag in Egipte gebeur het.

“Al die kinders van Israel het lig in hulle woonplekke gehad.” Die eindtyd vervolgers sien ook lig by die kinders van die Here en besef hulle is verlore.


Openbaring 16:12 “En die sesde engel het sy skaal uitgegooi op die groot rivier, die Eufraat, en sy water het opgedroog, sodat die pad van die konings wat van die Ooste af kom, reggemaak kon word.

Verse 13,14 En ek het uit die bek van die draak en uit die bek van die dier en uit die mond van die valse profeet drie onreine geeste soos paddas sien kom. Want dit is geeste van duiwels wat tekens doen, wat uitgaan na die konings van die aarde en die hele wêreld, om hulle te versamel vir die oorlog van daardie groot dag van die almagtige God.

Verse 15,16 Kyk, Ek kom soos ‘n dief. Salig is hy wat waak en sy klere bewaar, sodat hy nie miskien naak rondloop en hulle sy skaamte sien nie. En hulle het hul versamel op die plek wat in Hebreeus genoem word Armageddon.”

Die vlakte van Megido is so 90 kilometers by 40 kilometers. Baie oorloë is al hier geveg.

Die vestingstad wat hierdie deel van Palestina beheer het, was Megido genoem. En die nasie wat Megido beheer het, het beheer oor hierdie belangrike deel van die land gehad.

En dis miskien die rede waarom sommige mense in die verlede tot ‘n baie eienaardige slotsom gekom het. Hulle het besluit dat die vlakte van Megido die plek is waar die laaste groot slag, die slag van Armageddon tussen die Ooste en die Weste gaan plaasvind.

Ongelukkig is daar nie eers genoeg plek om al die donkies van die Midde-Ooste in hierdie ou vlaktetjie in te pas nie. Dis fisies onmoontlik vir al die nasies om hier teen mekaar te kom veg.

Terwyl ek na die oesvelde van Megido gekyk het, het ek aan die interessante wyse gedink waarop die Bybel homself verduidelik. Kom ons lees weer ‘n keer vers 12.


“En die sesde engel het sy skaal uitgegooi op die groot rivier, die Eufraat, en sy water het opgedroog, sodat die pad van die konings wat van die Ooste af kom, reggemaak kon word.”
Sê my, is dit nodig vir die letterlike Eufraatrivier om op te droog voordat moderne leërs dit kan oorsteek? Nee. Nou wat word dan met die opdroog van die Eufraat bedoel.

Dit was op 12 Oktober 539 v.C. dat die Eufraat opgedroog het en antieke Babilon geval het. Die veroweraar was Kores die Grote, die herder, die gesalfde, ‘n tipe van Jesus. Net in die volgende hoofstuk verneem Johannes dat die waters van die Eufraat waar die hoer op sit, mense voorstel.

Openbaring 17:15 En hy sê vir my. Die waters wat jy gesien het, waar die hoer op sit, is volke en menigtes en nasies en tale.

Met ander woorde, die opdroog van die Eufraatrivier tydens die sesde plaag, is ‘n voorspelling dat die ondersteuning wat die misleide nasies van die wêreld aan Babilon gee, gaan opdroog. Wie is Babilon? Die gevalle godsdienste van die wêreld wat onder leiding van Rome staan.

Die hele hoofstuk 17 is ‘n boeiende skets van die tragiese einde van alle valse godsdienste. Daar word meer uitgebrei oor die implikasies wat die sesde plaag op al die bewoners van die aarde sal hê.


Vers 13 “En ek het uit die bek van die draak en uit die bek van die dier en uit die mond van die valse profeet drie onreine geeste soos paddas sien kom.”

Kyk mooi na die volgorde: Die draak. Wie is hy? Die duiwel. Die dier? Rooms Katolisisme. En wie is die valse profeet?
Wat word hy in Openbaring 13:11 genoem? Die landdier, of Amerika. Met ander woorde alle gevalle Protestantse Kerke.

Net soos daar ‘n egte drie-engele boodskap is, net so is daar ook ‘n valse drieledige boodskap. In hoofstuk 13 word Amerika die landdier genoem, in hoofstuk 16 die valse profeet. Dit sluit alle afvallige godsdienste in.

Omdat spiritisme Satanies is, kan ons aanneem dat dit ook een van die drie geeste is wat uit die bek van die draak uitkom.

Vers 14 “Want dit is geeste van duiwels wat tekens doen, wat uitgaan na die konings van die aarde en die hele wêreld, om hulle te versamel vir die oorlog van daardie groot dag van die Almagtige God.”

Wat ‘n skokkende onthulling. Spiritisme, wat leer dat die mens ‘n onsterflike siel het, gaan hand aan hand met Katolisisme en afvalling Protestantisme saamwerk. Vir watter doel? Om die hele wêreld voor te berei vir ‘n oorlog teen God.

Op bladsy 4 van The Thunder of Justice lees ons: “Apparitions of Mary appear at a frequency never seen before in all recorded history.”

Het jy al agtergekom dat al die kerke van die wêreld nader en nader aan mekaar beweeg? Ons noem dit die ekumeniese beweging. Waarvoor doen hulle dit? Om gesamentlik tydens Armageddon teen die Here te gaan oorlog maak. Hoe maak ‘n mens teen Hom oorlog?

Ons kry die antwoord in Handelinge 9:14 waar die Here met Saul praat wat besig is om die kerk te vervolg: “Saul, Saul, waarom vervolg jy My?” Met ander woorde, ek maak oorlog teen die Here wanneer ek Sy kinders, Sy kerk, vervolg. Net voordat Johannes ‘n beskrywing van die slag van Armageddon gee, sê hy:

“Kyk, Ek kom soos ‘n dief. Salig is hy wat waak en sy klere bewaar, sodat hy nie miskien naak rondloop en hulle sy skaamte sien nie.” Vers 15.

Kom ons maak baie seker dat daar nie onbelyde sonde in ons lewe is nie. Kom ons werk aan ‘n verhouding met die Here.


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